tooth sensitivity and treatments

Do you often find yourself with tooth pain or sensitivity when you eat or drink hot or cold items? Does flossing cause you pain? You certainly may be struggling with tooth sensitivity. It is a very common issue where people’s teeth are made of dentin, which contains tiny nerve endings. This is what is experiencing the pain whenever you feel these triggers.

What Are Common Causes of Tooth Sensitivity?

1. Brushing Teeth Too Hard –

We know it is important to brush our teeth but sometimes when we brush our teeth too hard it leads to damage to the enamel. This can remove the protective layer exposing the nerve ends.

2. Consuming Acidic Foods And Drinks –

The protective layer over your teeth can also become damaged when you consume products that are high in acidity. This includes foods like tomatoes, lemons, and oranges. Try to cut back on these foods or eat them occasionally to reduce the damage caused.

3. Teeth Grinding –

Do you frequently grind your teeth? Not only can this cause cracks and chips to your teeth but it can actually wear away the name exposing the nerve ends. Try wearing a night mouthguard or chewing sugar-free gum during the day when you feel the urge to grind your teeth.

4. Teeth Whitening Products –

We often turn to teeth whitening in Winnipeg products to help brighten our teeth and make them appear healthier. However, the chemicals in the various products actually wear away some of the enamel. Try to choose products that are chemical-free and all-natural.

5. Too Much Mouthwash –

Similar to teeth whitening, we may often use mouthwash because we think it helps the appearance of our teeth but it can actually do harm. Many types of mouthwash contain both alcohol and chemicals that lead to tooth sensitivity. Instead, choose an alcohol-free mouthwash or rinse just a few days a week.

6. Gum Disease –

When you have gum disease the roots of your tooth can become exposed, creating sensitivity. Treatment for gum disease can make a significant difference in your tooth sensitivity.

7. Plaque Buildup –

When your oral hygiene routine is not consistent and meticulous you risk plaque buildup on your teeth. The plaque can eat away at your enamel, creating sensitivity.

8. Cracked or Chipped Tooth –

When your tooth experiences a crack or chip for any number of reasons your nerve endings will become exposed. Making you susceptible to tooth sensitivity.