top 5 reasons for cracked tooth syndrome

Have you ever felt a sudden, sharp pain while eating your favorite snack or drinking something refreshing? If so, you might know about cracked tooth syndrome. It’s a common problem when your tooth gets cracked but it might not be obvious. This can cause ongoing pain and problems with your teeth. In such cases, your dentist might also recommend that you get root canal treatment near you.

In this blog post, we will talk about the top five reasons why cracked tooth syndrome occurs to help you understand it better.

Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)

Modern life can be stressful, and one way it shows is through teeth grinding. Lots of people grind their teeth without realizing, especially while they sleep. This puts a lot of pressure on the teeth, making them wear down over time and possibly leading to cracks. If you wake up with jaw pain or headaches for no clear reason, you might be grinding your teeth without knowing it.

Trauma or Injury

Imagine you’re playing basketball with friends when suddenly, a ball hits you right in the face. Ouch! Accidents like this during sports or even just biting down on something hard can cause a cracked tooth. The impact of these incidents can weaken the tooth and eventually lead to a crack, which can be painful and might need immediate treatment from your dentist near you.

Chewing Hard Objects

If you often use your teeth to open packages, crack nuts, or bite on hard candies, you’re unknowingly risking cracking your teeth. Teeth are meant for chewing food, not for doing tough tasks. Doing these things can put too much pressure on your teeth, causing damage and possible fractures. Using the right tools instead of your teeth and avoiding using them for things they’re not meant for can help keep your teeth healthy.

Large Fillings or Dental Restorations

Dental fillings and restorations are supposed to strengthen and protect damaged teeth, but they can sometimes lead to cracked tooth syndrome. This happens when large fillings or restorations cover a large part of the tooth, weakening its structure, especially if the enamel around it is already weak. Eventually, the pressure from chewing and biting can cause cracks to form around the edges of the filling or restoration. It’s important to replace or reinforce these fillings or restorations promptly to avoid more damage.

Temperature Fluctuations

Have you ever felt pain or discomfort when eating or drinking something hot or cold? This could be because extreme temperature changes can worsen existing cracks in your teeth or even cause new ones, especially if your enamel or tooth structure isn’t strong. When your teeth expand and contract suddenly due to temperature changes, it can put stress on them and lead to tiny cracks that might get bigger over time. To lower this risk, try to avoid hot or cold foods and drinks, and make sure to take good care of your teeth.

Treatment Options for Cracked Tooth Syndrome

treatment option for cracked tooth

Dental Bonding

If the crack in your tooth is small, dentists can use a method called dental bonding to fix it. They’ll apply a special material that matches your tooth color onto the crack and then use a special light to harden it. This makes your tooth look and work like normal again.

Dental Crowns

If the crack in your tooth is bigger and makes it weaker, dentists may suggest using dental crowns. These are like custom-made caps that cover the whole tooth. They keep your tooth safe from more damage and make it strong again, while also making it look good.

Root Canal Therapy

If the crack extends into the tooth’s pulp (inner chamber), root canal therapy in North Kildonan may be necessary to remove infected or damaged tissue and seal the tooth to prevent further infection or discomfort.

Tooth Extraction and Replacement

If the crack in your tooth is really bad and can’t be fixed, the dentist might need to remove the tooth. But don’t worry! Nowadays, dentistry has improved a lot, so there are other ways to replace a missing tooth. You can consider dental implants, bridges, or dentures to make your smile and chewing work well again.

Night Guards

If you grind your teeth at night, a dentist might recommend wearing a special mouthguard while you sleep. This guard is made just for you and fits your teeth perfectly. It helps to ease the pressure on your teeth and stops them from getting more damaged when you clench or grind them during sleep.

Remember, when it comes to cracked tooth syndrome, early detection and intervention are key to preventing further damage and preserving your dental health.

Visit Us Today at All Seasons Dental Clinic

If you think you might have cracked tooth syndrome or any concerns about your teeth, don’t hesitate to contact us at All Seasons Dental Clinic. Our team of experienced dentist in North Kildonan is here to give you personalized care and help solve any issues to keep your smile healthy and bright. Book your appointment today and start your journey to great dental health. Your smile deserves the best care!